Aldo and Estalla Leopold Residency
Aldo Leopold is best known for writing A Sand County Almanac (1949) in which he articulates his lifelong philosophical search for how humans could “live on the land without spoiling it.” This search culminated in his formulation of The Land Ethic: “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” Leopold’s writing is an inspiring example of the power of the written word to bring about change in the world and in individual lives. As a work of great literature it communicates The Land Ethic not just as an abstract concept, but as a teaching of the heart.
The purpose of the Aldo and Estalla Leopold Residency is to build on that legacy by inspiring the next generation of citizens to participate in the evolution of the land ethic through the written word.
The Aldo & Estella Leopold Residency is for college students, graduate students, post-graduate students, and other emerging writers from around the country and abroad.
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